I don’t know what to think any more. For a while, it seemed that everyone was making a million online and now it seems that everyone is trying to sell everyone on how to make a million online, but no one is getting results anymore.

This trend began to happen when eBay stopped allowing ebooks on their auction website. Why? Ebooks are mostly crap. Plus, they can be copied and turned into extra versions of crap. Basically, no new information has been presented in an ebook for the past five years. It’s all been re-hashed and re-worked to the point of insanity. eBay was so sick of having crap (mind you, hundreds of thousands of ebooks were on their site) that they took everything down. Now, the only way to sell an ebook on eBay is to burn it to a CD and ship it to your customer. No more instant information.

But that’s the thing with instant anything. The quality is much lower than it would be if you had to wait. Take dinner for example (just go with me here…). Would you rather have a frozen dinner that cooks in two minutes in your microwave, or would you rather have a creamy, scalloped potato and roasted rosemary and garlic chicken stove-top feast?

I choose the chicken and potatoes, because I had them for dinner tonight, but also because of that word, quality. While the microwave meal was “nearly” instant, the quality ends there. Why put that in your body when the feast, though it sounds extravagant, only takes twenty minutes more?

That’s what went wrong online too, and eBay knew it. And I’m glad they made this change because it gives real online courses with real information to share a chance, once more. Instant information is only worth what you get out of it in that instant. But information that is bound in a book that has been published, or a course that has been taught to real students, is like the chicken and potatoes and is worth the wait.

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