’m the kind of person that likes to check people out on Rip Off Report before I’ll buy from them. Usually, you can tell from the sales letter whether that “guru” is worth anything by the sweeping claims that they make. Make a million over-night, okay that’s a sales pitch that won’t amount to anything. Make a million using my simple one-button program, obviously that’s a sales pitch that will just waste your time and money. The more grand the claims, the more the scale tips on the scam-o-meter.

And what about those ads that promise you one (or ten!) free websites? All you have to do is sign up for their monthly contract, press one button, and wham, ten web businesses just waiting for management. You know that’s a scam, right?

You know this, you feel it in your gut too. It might sound nice, but you’re past the point of an easy fool.

First of all, anyone that can pump out ten websites for each customer is either a genius that spends their life making websites 24 hours a day or has a program that can create simple cookie-cutter websites at the press of a button. A cookie-cutter website, if you don’t already know, is basically a website that looks like all the others, like a cookie cut from a mold.

From a strictly professional standpoint, whether these sites even look good doesn’t matter. It’s the fact that they are all the same that really hurts. To Google, you know the top dog who ranks websites professionally, websites that look alike are a very bad thing indeed. And hundreds (let alone thousands) of websites that look alike is just a death sentence, a pure waste of money.

Why bother with “money making” opportunities when you know they sound a little too good to be true?

If you’re anything like me, you want to make a living online because of the freedom that can grant. Sure, the money has the potential to be great, but spending only a few hours doing something for your successful online business is sure a heck of a lot easier than 8 hours a day at someone else’s business—for the rest of your life.

So, my thing is this: stop spending your money and stop wasting your time. Take the course that will change your life for the better. It won’t make you a millionaire overnight, but it sure will give you the tools to make your business happen, realistically, and grant you the freedom you’re looking for. And there’s nothing sales-pitchy about it.

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