If you have entrepreneurial dreams, a business model, and a plan for growth, but you have just started at getting your business of the ground, it can be very intimidating to get your first customers or clients. You may have all kinds of self-doubt questions, but if you believe in your mind that you are successful, you will be. Read on to find out how you can fake it until you make it.
Now, before we go any further, I want to be clear that I am not advocating lying for any reason. I am not saying that you should fleece your customers into believing something that you are not, but you don't always have to reveal the whole truth either. Confidence goes a long way in these new situations. When you are working with your first few clients, NEVER let on that this is your first sale. If you have to practice your speech a thousand times in the mirror before you hit the pavement then do it.
The look of your business is critical as well. It needs to look like the level of the other professionals in your arena. If you have a home-made business image and the customer expects a professional, then you are in trouble. Of course you will make mistakes. If you cannot answer the client's question at that moment, tell them you will find out and then follow up with them. This second follow up will also give you the benefit of an additional contact with the client.
Act as if you are already successful. If the client asks about previous customers tell them that you have a privacy policy where you don't discuss the dealings of another customer with anyone else. Whatever it takes to help them understand that you are a professional and you are serious. Don't just walk in the business and say "thank you so much, you are my very first customer." This is almost a guarantee that they will not do business with you. Be sure of yourself. Imagine in your head that this is the 450th business encounter that you have had.
If you act confident enough and you act as if you know what you are doing, then the customer will believe you. They will probably be relieved that you know more than they do, so you can solve their problem. People like to believe what they want to believe and if they see a successful, confident person come in the room they will just assume that your business is in the same shape.
Joshua Black is an on-line infopreneur, marketing consultant, small business owner and copywriter dedicated to helping the bootstrapping small business owner succeed.
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