here is a crucial difference in the mindsets of an entrepreneur and an employee.

The difference in these mindsets absolutely shapes what work we will do in our lives.

An employee, really just wants security. Often times they lack the self-confidence required to go after their dreams and will trade their true goals in life for a steady paycheck.

That is OK with me, there is nothing wrong with that.

If the vast majority of people on the planet were not like that, our planet would not function.

However, if there were not entrepreneurs to be the ones to go after their dreams, their goals, their ideas... then no business would exist at all!

In addition, clearly, there are far more incredible rewards in being an entrepreneur then you will ever find in being an employee.

Just ask the YouTube kids or the many entrepreneurs who have chosen to follow a dream and go for it rather then take the safer easier road out.

If you are willing to put in the work it takes to be an entrepreneur in the beginning... it can reward you for the rest of your life in ways being an employee never can.

I have chosen to walk down this path of entrepreneurship and already my life has drastically changed.

It is amazing how many possibilities open up for you once you open up to them.

In addition, in our world it is literally limitless. There is no end to what we can create.

Therefore, with that, I invite you to look, maybe for the first time, at being an entrepreneur today.

I assure you once you start walking down the path of freedom rather then security it is tough to go back.

Glenn Mosser is an expert Online Marketer, known as "The Meetings Millionaire". He and his team have produced in the excess of $10,000,000 in revenue in the home-business industry combined. Glenn is a very sought after speaker and trainer to some of the biggest earners in the Home Business and Online Industry. To see what Glenn is up to visit

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