If you were to look up the word entrepreneur in the dictionary you would find that it means "a person who organizes and manages any enterprise, a business usually with considerable initiative and risk." These days the term entrepreneur is used so much that it seems like everybody from stay at home moms, to the local tattoo artist, are claiming to be such. The truth is that as fancy as this word maybe, anyone can be an entrepreneur.
Entrepreneurs can be any shape, size, age, race or religion. What makes an entrepreneur an entrepreneur is commitment, the willingness to lead and the passion to succeed. There are certain characteristics that many of the world's most successful entrepreneurs share. Listed below are a few traits that can help you determine if you truly are an entrepreneur.
Great Focus - True entrepreneurs have great focus. These are individuals that once they have a goal set, no one or nothing can stop them from accomplishing that goal.
Creative - Most entrepreneurs have a seemingly effortless way of being creative. Thinking outside the box; that characteristic alone creates a greater earning potential for their business.
Good With Money - Being able to keep track and manage money wisely is another well-known characteristic of an entrepreneur. Knowing where every dollar and cent is and where they are going is very important to entrepreneurs.
Decision Maker - One who can make big decisions on their own without worrying about others opinions. Being able to stand behind their decision without any doubt whatsoever.
The Ability To Lead - Most entrepreneurs put themselves in the position of being the boss. This may mean that this person has employees under him/her. In this instance, the individual must be able to lead and give direction to others in a clear and productive manner.
Always Learning - True entrepreneurs never stop learning. They are always eager to discover new, more efficient ways to make their business more successful. Learning is a desire, not a necessity for these people.
Fearless - Having no fear is definitely a characteristic of a entrepreneur. Not fearing critics, competitors, consumers and most of all, not fearing failure. Not fearing these things is automatic for any real entrepreneur.
The list above will help you determine if you are indeed an entrepreneur. If you are not an entrepreneur, but aspire to be one you will need to develop most if not all of these traits. If you take the time to embrace and practice these traits; you will be well on your way to becoming a successful entrepreneur!
Be An Entrepreneur there are 10 Benefits you must knew
Minggu, Desember 14, 2008 | Entrepreneur with 1 komentar »1. Being in control:
The best thing about an entrepreneur is that he is in absolute control of his life. He does not have to report to anybody. He can take a vacation any time he feels he needs one. He gets to decide what can happen in his venture. Best of all, nobody can fire him. It totally rocks to be your own boss and to create your own destiny.
2. Work becomes Fun:
Now, most people who work in 9 to 5 jobs always get exhausted at the end of the day and they dread the morning of the next day. Especially, after the weekends. Some call them "Monday Morning Blues". Now, an entrepreneur works 24/7 and thus puts all of his energy into his work. By working this hard, he enjoys whatever he does and because of this, whatever venture he puts his effort into, will eventually turn out to be a great success. Work is what one is obliged to do while fun consists of what one is not obliged to do. (From Tom Sawyer-Mark Twain.) So now the equation is WORK=FUN.
3. Free from Boredom:
Arthur Schopenhauer, the great German thinker and philosopher says that there are two kinds of misery. One is the misery of the working class another is the ennui of the born-rich, the fashionable society.
Misery of the working class: Because these people are busy generating wealth for others, the only thing they crave for everyday is REST. They wish to enjoy life to its limits but they can't. They are constrained by their work.
Misery of the fashionable society: Now, these are the few individuals most people desire to become. It really is a wonderful thing to be rich and do all the things that a typical "working class" person dreams of doing. Now let us look from a celebrities' perspective. Because these "filthy rich" people get to do any thing they desire, they actually come to a state where, nothing much else gives them a "high". Parties sound like fun and having physical pleasures very tempting. Now imagine doing the same things over and over again in a dull monotony. Then you come to a state of "ennui", a state of absolute boredom. The other end where the "pendulum" of life swings to, according to Schopenhauer. So, to stimulate their senses further than that which is natural, the typical celebrity resorts to drugs, which is just the beginning of a complete destruction for them.
Now, an entrepreneur, though gets to be really rich, is not in this primarily for enjoying the pleasures of the rich. Getting to execute his ideas is what satisfies him. For a true entrepreneur, work is not a means to an end. It is an end in itself. The process is as rewarding to him as is the end product. Because an entrepreneur is consumed by his desire to work hard, he gets really no time to engage in trivialities of everyday life. Now, how can he get bored?
4. Better relations with other people:
Because an entrepreneur is very busy, he will have very little time for others. Because of this, he will not become "Over Familiar" with others, which is the root cause for finding faults in others resulting in mischievous gossips. He will have only contact with people of his own caliber and usually this kind of friendship lasts for life.
For example, take George Washington Carver, the great American scientist. He was self educated and was the man behind peanut butter. It was he who discovered natures secrets by the hundreds. He singlehandedly changed the course of many agriculture based industries through his hard work and dedication. And the more familiar Henry Ford. These two great men who worked hard all their life, forged a great relationship and were there for each other till the end. Or take the case of Bill Gates and Warren Buffet. Bill Gates thought he had nothing in common with Warren Buffet who was an Investor.Bill Gates had scheduled his meeting only for half hour. But when Gates met him, the meeting lasted for Ten Hours! Such is the power of those who work hard on their own free sweet will!
5. Self Confidence:
Because an entrepreneur trusts in himself more than anything else, it unlocks the Giant that is present within himself. Coupled with the tremendous effort that goes with the task of getting an enterprise up and running, an entrepreneur is sure of success. This success breeds more success which in return instills greater faith in himself. After all, who does not wish to be self confident.
6. Giving back to the Society:
It is truly a great privilege to be given an opportunity to give back to the society. Entrepreneurs create wealth and job opportunities for others. This way, many lives are touched and changed for the better. By giving back to the society an entrepreneur experiences a sense of meaning and purpose in his life, which others, merely by accumulating wealth will never get to feel. Money to a real entrepreneur is merely a tool and never an end in itself.
7. Free from wants:
A passionate entrepreneur will not have the desire for any thing material because he has so little time for frivolities. Because he is completely immersed in his work, he is satisfied with whatever physical comforts he already has.
8. Being original and true to oneself:
Most people do things to please others. They do not have any thoughts of their own. Instead, they live the lives that others dream up for them. They want to please their children or friends or their parents and sincerely do what is expected of them to do. They live double lives all the time. Doing things they don't want to do, talking stuff they don't believe in just so as to fall in line with others. As the saying goes, "No man is an island unto himself". Entrepreneurs however are a rare breed. They do exactly what they want and say precisely what they believe in. You may criticize them, show them their defects or mock at them, but the one thing you cannot do is influence them. Entrepreneurs are whole souled beings who think their own thoughts and live their own lives. Thus they are not split in their minds between their inner and outer lives.
9. Enjoying time-out:
An entrepreneur will in all likelihood enjoy every second of the time they spend outside of their work. Events like movies, trekking or simply chatting with friends become very special because of the little time they get. They understand that they might not get an opportunity for indulging in these activities frequently and so enjoy every moment of it.
10. The Exhilaration of Success:
Very few get to experience the sweet taste of success. An entrepreneur accepts the challenges, works hard to overcome them and when victory results, he savors the moment. Even when he fails in the beginning, he does not lower his head nor does he give up because he believes in the essence of what Theodore Roosevelt once quoted
"It is not the critic who counts, nor the man who points how the strong man stumbled or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena; whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly, who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions, and spends himself in a worthy cause; who, at best, knows the triumph of high achievement; and who, at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who know neither victory nor defeat."An Entrepreneur is, by his very innate constitution poised only for success.
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Employee Vs Entrepreneur - Which One Are You?
Minggu, Desember 14, 2008 | Entrepreneur with 0 komentar »here is a crucial difference in the mindsets of an entrepreneur and an employee.
The difference in these mindsets absolutely shapes what work we will do in our lives.
An employee, really just wants security. Often times they lack the self-confidence required to go after their dreams and will trade their true goals in life for a steady paycheck.
That is OK with me, there is nothing wrong with that.
If the vast majority of people on the planet were not like that, our planet would not function.
However, if there were not entrepreneurs to be the ones to go after their dreams, their goals, their ideas... then no business would exist at all!
In addition, clearly, there are far more incredible rewards in being an entrepreneur then you will ever find in being an employee.
Just ask the YouTube kids or the many entrepreneurs who have chosen to follow a dream and go for it rather then take the safer easier road out.
If you are willing to put in the work it takes to be an entrepreneur in the beginning... it can reward you for the rest of your life in ways being an employee never can.
I have chosen to walk down this path of entrepreneurship and already my life has drastically changed.
It is amazing how many possibilities open up for you once you open up to them.
In addition, in our world it is literally limitless. There is no end to what we can create.
Therefore, with that, I invite you to look, maybe for the first time, at being an entrepreneur today.
I assure you once you start walking down the path of freedom rather then security it is tough to go back.
Glenn Mosser is an expert Online Marketer, known as "The Meetings Millionaire". He and his team have produced in the excess of $10,000,000 in revenue in the home-business industry combined. Glenn is a very sought after speaker and trainer to some of the biggest earners in the Home Business and Online Industry. To see what Glenn is up to visit http://www.ActualSuccess.net
Being Fake and Two-Faced in the Real World Vs Being
Minggu, Desember 14, 2008 | Entrepreneur with 0 komentar »This is what I consider to be a huge "trap" that many of us can avoid when becoming and Entrepreneur.
"The notion that you can run your own business lets say in direct sales or network marketing with the same attitude you had while at your job in the working world. That you don't have to make some changes within yourself to get better results. Being fake is almost always required of you when climbing the corporate latter to anything! Vs. being real and authentic in your business endeavor. It's called self-sabotage and it happens to people all the time."
I woke up early to begin my meditation and by 9am PST I received a long awaited phone call, about the results from an accident I was involved in a little over a month ago. The woman, insurance agent, whom I had been working with since the incident occurred would act very polite each time we spoke--but only to tell me that the accident was my fault and not the other drivers. To make a long story short, I was hit on the side of my car by a van backing out of a parking space. I couldn't even open my driver side door because his van hit the side fender of my door and pushed the fender in. He claims I was moving my car and ran into his bumper. The funny thing is, I was willing to take 50% fault because I seriously didn't see him, but because his insurance company is adamant about not paying out a dime...and thus lying and saying he said he was stopped even though my car has a huge dent on the side...and cars don't move sideways! But now, I have decided take them to court, knowing that my case is sound and the damage is obvious that his car was in motion when it hit me not the other way around.
This lesson, reminded me of how inauthentic people can be in the working world. When is it that we become the worst version of ourselves by choosing to lie and manipulate just to protect a company's interest? Not even her own interest but who knows, maybe she thinks she IS the company in some way. And why would anyone want to work these types of jobs? No wonder so many people are miserable at work and can't wait till Friday! I know that this woman probably doesn't even know she's not being inauthentic but at the same time, I refuse to support the idea that we should go out into the world of insurance adjusters, lawyers, doctors, police--I don't care if you're blue-collar worker or white-collar, and are taught to be inauthentic in the real world. It's how we have come to believe is the only way to survive in this "dog eat dog world. "
The way to avoid this "trap" or escape from it, requires that you engage your MIND in knowing who you are including what your deepest heartfelt desires are. Become a student of personal-growth, read books like "Think and Grow Rich," or "Power of Your Subconscious Mind" classics that still apply a century later! Do this, and you will never fall into this trap again! Your new beliefs and attitudes about yourself will warn you every time you are about to say something inauthentic. And you'll turn your "saboteur" into your ally--with the power of CHOICE. Instead of thinking you are at the whim of what the 'boss' or corporation says.
Here again is the TRAP that we can get into as entrepreneurs coming out of the "working world," it's called being inauthentic to save our own butts (or that of the company) and then getting burned in the end. This is a trap many new business owners, especially network marketers can fall into when they first begin being their own boss. They take the road of least resistance which ends up costing them a heck of a lot more in the end.
We have to dig deep to uncover our own humanity to really be successful and feel good about what we do as entrepreneurs leading others to create more joy and happiness in their lives. If we do this from a place of loving kindness and authenticity, we will reap such rich rewards in all areas of our lives. Today, go out and tell someone how you really feel, be authentic and trust yourself.
Thanks for reading! Till next time.
After many years of struggling, being broke and living off the kindness of strangers, to working pay-check to pay-check, thinking some day MY LUCK will come--Cynthia Farsadi made the bold decision to get started in her own Direct Sales business and never LOOK back.
Three years later, she is now retired from the makeup world and spends her days assisting others with setting up their own part-time business to create REAL results in their lives. She now makes more in ONE month than most make in a year. She loves meeting people who are PASSIONATE about living their dreams in this life, and want nothing more than to be self-empowered and living a life of PURPOSE!
to find out more go to: http://www.ARealOpportunityForWealth.com
or visit her blog for FREE information at: http://www.arealopportunitynow.blogspot.com
Remember, "You cannot discover new oceans, unless you have the courage to lose sight of the shore."
1. You are extremely resourceful.
Entrepreneurs are exceedingly resourceful at finding the help they need to succeed in their businesses. They seek out training, support, network with others in their industry and take classes in order to keep moving ahead. Nor are they afraid to delegate.
2. You possess a specific talent, or specialized knowledge of some kind.
Do you know how to do something uncommonly well? Have you received specialized education of some kind? All entrepreneurs possess either one or the other. Either they are very good at doing something (i.e. painting, drawing, writing, cooking, organizing, designing) or they have technical knowledge, such as computer programming, medical or legal knowledge, IT certifications, administrative tasks, real estate, etc.
3. You are creative.
A real, bonafide entrepreneur has a creative spirit, meaning that they are the innovators of their own business. They are the real thinkers and designers of industry. An entrepreneur creates new systems and ways of doing things, using their own specific talents and knowledge to help improve the lives of others. They are not fulfilled simply by copying the systems of others.
4. You are courageous.
Your are not afraid to take a challenge, or if you are, that does not stop you from pursuing them. Even in the face of adversity, and disagreement you have belief that it will happen. You believe that there is always a solution. Most essentially, you believe and have confidence in yourself.
5. You are very disciplined, determined and highly motivated most of the time.
Entrepreneurs have a strong sense of what to say or show themselves in order to produce the kind of results they desire. They know what kind of thinking is necessary to get things done, which if done correctly leads to focused, concentrated action. Entrepreneurs also understand the different modes of communication and are themselves great communicators in that they listen and observe intently. They know how to effectively get their messages across to others in order to affect behavior.
6. You have a strong desire to help others.
You are not in the game just to make a buck. What you do must have a very useful, meaningful purpose. You will not say yes to any and everything or everyone simply because the money is supposed to be good.
7. You not only have a daily plan; you have a life plan.
When you awaken each morning, you know exactly what you are going to get done. You know what needs to happen for that particular day. Not only that, but you know what the rest of your life is going to look like. You know that you can't predict the future, but what you do know, is what specifically you are going to do with the rest of your life. If nothing else, you have a general concept of this.
So there you have it; 7 signs that you are a real entrepreneur. If you are lacking in either one of these, my challenge to you is to actively seek out the resources that you need to develop and improve those areas. I can guarantee that you will notice a significant difference and be glad you did.