f you are an Internet marketer or you make money online, you know there is a new program, service, or website coming out almost every single hour boasting about how you can make millions of dollars without working for even a second. Now, most of the time (sorry to burst your bubble) this are schemes or scams. If you make money online you're going to have to do at least some work, even if the program is automated, you are still going to have to set it up, or read the e-book it comes with, or advertise, or "watch" the program (computers make mistakes). But, don't be getting all disappointed on me yet, there are ways to make money online that are legit, in fact I can name 50 ways right now off the top of my head. What I'm going to do is make a list below of three products I have either had really good luck with or that I know are legit and do work. Some of these are generators, some are systems, some are just plain old programs, but they do work, so pay attention!

Fortune Makers Biz -
This most definitely is a money system, but its one that works, or so I hear anyway. People all over the place are raving about how well this program works and how easy it is. It's absolutely incredible. With this program there are no e-books, no software, no pills, potions or lotions. It is what it says it is. A money making system. Another great thing about this system is there are two optional upgrades you can choose from, both are awesome, but of course one is better than the other! So what exactly are they selling on this site? It's a luxury resort membership club backed by a full service travel agency that offers high end luxury travel at private member-only rates, as well as access to owner based timeshare resort properties. Hopefully by now most of us know what popular and what unpopular things to sell online are. Travel equals money maker!

The Rich Jerk -
This guy really is a... jerk and that's putting it nicely. However, he does have a program that works. And if you can get over his arrogance and lack of manners, you too could be making the money everyone else is with his system. It's easy, as he says. He hardest part is the selling but, if you know how to sell, if you have a great product to sell, and you know what to say, you can be a great salesperson! This system comes with a free website, plus some advice from RJ himself about how to get people to buy the things your selling on the free site. Pretty simple stuff, price isn't bad either, check it out for yourself and see what I mean!

My Great Empire -
This is a site related to the GDI system, now I have never personally tried the GDI system but, I know of friends who have and it has worked for them, so don't count this site out just yet. Go take a look at it and at least sign up for the free information. Building a massive action driven GDI team beneath you has never been easier. Not only will you notice a much higher opt in ratio, but an increased GDI sign up ratio as well. Every opt in you get through your MyGreatEmpire affiliate link, will receive approximately 12 followup emails in a period of 30 days. This is a website made for users that want to receive opt-in leads with the system.

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