Where do I find people who want to build residual cash income from home?
An excellent and often asked question by people just entering into our network marketing business. Many of them have this feeling that they need to find tens of people to be successful. Actually, we do not want people doing that. The key is to find 5 to 10 people only and educate them on how to do the exactly the same thing.
So here is the Magic Question that you will ask five to ten people per day, per week (your time schedule) . . .

Would it be a benefit to you to have a residual cash income that pays your house payment, property taxes, and utilities every month? Would you be able to find few hours a week to use to get it?
Most people will say yes to both questions. After all, they would either be independently wealthy or lying if they said no.

Then you simply introduce them to educational materials like the website. You don’t proceed to try to tell them how they can do it.

That’s why there is a system. That’s why no one has to learn how to explain the business. That’s why the business is so successful. Just keep it simple. Do what everyone in the business can do. Teach people to just follow the system.

The Power of 5 is the basis of that system.
Five times one is five.
Five times five is twenty-five.
Five times twenty-five is one hundred and twenty-five.
Five times one hundred and twenty-five is six hundred and twenty-five.

See the pattern.
Five is the magic number.
Corporate gurus advocate 5 as the best number of people that can be effectively supervised by a supervisor.
The optimum class in teaching would have only five students.
The military uses five people as the base unit for its operations.
Everything builds on that basic building block of five people for best performance.
The network marketing business is no different.
A salesman exposed to network marketing will say “awesome” and immediately start trying to present the business to as many people as possible. Being a great salesperson, success translates into sponsoring associates left and right and the salesperson feels extremely successful, just like she did in business. At the end of six months, the salesperson may have sponsored 60 or more associates. But then something happens, her associates start dropping out. No one is sponsoring new associates but the salesperson! No one is making money and even the salesperson is getting burned out.

That is a typical story for a network marketing entrepreneur because there was no training on how to properly design and execute the business plan.

Now, let’s contrast that situation with the use of the power of five to build residual cash income.
The salesperson is taught to only work with five people who will commit to do the same as the salesperson.

The salesperson shows the simple 4 steps to the each of the five people. Get started, use the products, get into high gear, and recommend the products.

And the salesperson is taught to then teach the five people to find five more people each and work with them until they have taught their five to do the same. (five times five is twenty-five).
Then the salesperson helps the original five teach their twenty-five to find their five people and teach them the basic 4 steps. Five times twenty-five is one hundred and twenty-five.
Again, the progression is obvious. The secret is to achieve success for each of the five in turn. That success translates from a lot of individual campfires into a true bonfire that attracts people to success.

Following the simple business plan and helping people achieve work from home cash residual income will help those people have the residual cash income that pays their house payment, their taxes and insurance, and their utilities, whether or not injury or loss of a job cuts off their regular job income.

Jim Montgomery is a business owner, business coach and law firm owner in San Antonio, Texas. He helps people get a home business to get what they want. Get the free information on his business system, at http://www.howtostartabusinesstoday.com or email him at jemmktg@mac.com.

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