Want to know the secret techniques to Internet marketing? These techniques will contradict everything you have heard about Internet marketing. These techniques have been tested over and over. They are the techniques of a top Internet marketer who has made millions of dollars and trained high profile entrepreneurs.

How successful is this top Internet marketer? His company recently hit 50 million in online sales. 20 million of this 50 million dollars was done over the course of the last year and a half. Why? He realized that most things he learned and did on the Internet were the same as he’d always done. So he revamped his business a year ago and changed the way he worked. He tested things again and again. He figured out how to crack many of the new and evolving systems that are on the Internet.

Thousands of people start online businesses every day, but many of them fail. Why do they fail? It may be lack of the right information or lack of implementing the right actions. You can learn these techniques that will help you make money, right now, today! These techniques are easy to set up and implement.

There is a 94% success rate with these techniques. These techniques are tested by a website that has over 6 million website visitors per month. These strategies are based upon math and psychology.

Think about it. Internet marketing is all about math and psychology. What happens when a person sees something? How do they react? What steps do they need to purchase your products? They have to create a perceived value of your product and put a price tag on it.

Many people in their businesses are not complete. This is the difference between making thousands of dollars versus millions of dollars. So look at your business. You probably don’t have all the business parts you need. You need a complete business model. Unsuccessful businesses don’t have a complete businesses model.

What would you do with an extra million dollars a year? Your life can change dramatically within 90 days if you make the right decision to make a complete business model. Often people try to make this decision on January 1st.

Without these three elements you are spinning your wheels:

1. Marketing knowledge
2. Need traffic coming to your website.
3. You need residual income. Residual income is the best thing about the Internet.

All three elements can be learned. Most people have been learning the wrong elements. For example, want to know how to drive 10,000 visitors to your website on a daily basis? Many people ask this question, but they don’t even have a website. So if they don’t have a website they shouldn’t be asking this question. They instead should focus on getting a website first. These people were out of sequence. They aren’t doing things in the order they need to be done.

Another example deals with an opt-in page. Have you been to an opt-in page with a graphic on the page? Did you know this decreases your opt-in rate by 46%? Switch it with a plain button and you will instantly increase your opt-in rate by 46%!

Another example deals with audio messages. If you add an audio message you will increase response by 350%. In the audio, say the headline text and tell the visitor what to do. ‘Fill in your first name, last name, email, and click the submit button’.

You need to know the next logical step and find the information for that next step. It could be an idea, research, or driving traffic to a website. The key in business is to follow logic and not emotion.

These are just a few of the secret techniques that will but more money in your pocket immediately. Apply them to your business today.

There are many strategies to making money on the internet, but nothing makes sense unless you have a big list. Email Marketing is the most profitable way to make money on the internet. Discover how to use the internet and turn your computer into a cash gushing machine. Sign-up right now for Matt Bacak’s FREE online newsletter to find out how to do exactly that Go here: www.promotingtips.com

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