Money searching in the internet is hard young. Easy to if soybean cake its way, hard if not will know its way. Why I spell out members caw will know? Because actually a lot failing because unconvinced do not want to hear the given suggestions. And this suggestions are not have to go out from mouth (or article) of masters, the assumed (or felt him self) newbie even also oftentimes proper suggestions egg to be careful.
This the following also able to be considered to be by suggestion from a newbie. That is 5 actions which better NOT you do if wishing is quicker succeeded in adventure make a living passing your blog. Will know any kind of fifth of the action?
1. Lazy update blog
Blog is identical with an web which loaded by periodical new things. If You have set mind on to make a living passing blog, hence main things to be You think of is how to so that blog not up-to-date. Anyway present have many role of writing of content with themes which vary, thus remain problem of intention and consistency you is just to manage blog. If caw will go out extra money, yes do is just self. Simple isn't it? Important don't harm others.
2. Do not want to know problem SEO
Anything the reason, if we own a web site or blog, SEO fixed is needed. Though not community less important (read third point below), SEO is one of cheap way (at the same time effective) for looking and draw the community member candidate. You possibly have capital tens of million dollars for installing advertisement in national newspapers or news portals, but conversion value from ordinary visitor become community member still fail if compared with visitor coming by way of search engine. Unconvinced? Prove is just self.
3. Do not want to build community
Build the community need. Even tend to absolute. If You still of opinion that web or blog the visitor base on not community too yield if compared by web or bilog the visitor come from search engine, mean Your brain need in brainwash to be updated with present day trend :) Try to contemplate the reason.
4. Do not want to try new things
Google Adsense is not single way for getting money from blog. Open the fact trust and eye to. If you felt AdSense don't bring luck, desist and try new things. PPC besides Google AdSense the numbers are a lot. Local inclusion had. That even also if you still wish to work with PPC. Be cause farm besides PPC which can be tilled even also many. Paid review? Direct ads? It's your choice.
5. NALO (Nobelium Action Learn Only)
In this time a lot of information source concerning internet business circulating. From free, pay [for], till illegal copy. The positive side, many choices in studying, but the negativity side, too much information circulating exactly can make lazy us or forward – backward in conducting action. Don't mean to flick away who is (although likely quite a few which fell will).
5 Action Which Shall Not Be Done To Succeed Money searching Pass Blog
Jumat, Juli 11, 2008 | business tips, SEO with 0 komentar »
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