Become entrepreneur is choice, become one part of the x'self need patience, assiduity, skilled, confidence, and patience is high. so bee the real entrepreneur.
1. The Improver
You have this personality if you implement business by uppermost of style improver alias wish to always improve. You apply corporation of you is for‘improve world'. Improvers have sturdy ability in implementing business. They also have high ethics and integrity.
Personality Alert:
Take heed your character tending to becoming perfectionist and too critical to employees and customer/client of you. Example of Entrepreneur: Anita, Roddick, founder The Body Shop.
2. The Advisor
Type of personality of business man like this vouchsafes high level suggestion and aid to all the customer/client. Motto from this advisor that is customer/client is and correctness we have to do any kind of pleasing them.
Personality Alert:
A advisor it is possible that too focus in their requirement of business and customer/clients, causing tend to to disregard requirement of themselves and can oppositely; also cape livers x'self. Example Of Entrepreneur: John W. Nordstrom, founder Nordstorm.
3. The Superstar
This is business centering him encircled by high energy and charisma from the CEO Superstar. Business man with personality like this usually build their business with personal brand their own.
Personality Alert:
Business man with type this more be competitive can and workaholics. Example Entrepreneur: Donald, Trump, CEO Trump Hotels & Casino Resorts.
4. The Artist
Personality of business man like this usually like standing apart but have high creativity. They usually frequently found in business requiring creativity like at corporation of publicity agents, web design, etc.
Personality Alert:
Business man type this it is possible that more sensitive to response of customer/client of you, although criticism from them have the character to build. Example Entrepreneur: Scott, Adams, conceptor and founder Dilbert.
5. The Visionary
A business woke up by a visionary usually based on future vision and idea of the founder. You have “want to know” high to understand world in around you and will block in avoid all kinds of barricades.
Personality Alert:
A visionary it is possible that too focus at their dream and less tread on at realities. Dan don't forget, accompany your vision by conducting action reality. Example Of Entrepreneur: Bill, Gates, founder MicroSoft Inc.
6. The Analyst
If You implemented business as a analyst, corporation of You usually focused at solving of internal issue a[n systematic way. Oftentimes base on at science, technical membership or computer, a corporation analyst usually super in solving problem.
Personality Alert:
Neglect less with paralysis of annalist. Work by trusting others. Example of Entrepreneur: Gordon, Moore, founder Intel.
7. The Fireball
A business owned by the ‘fireball' the usually operated fully live, optimism and energy. Customer/Client of feeling corporation of you implemented with behavior which fun.
Personality Alert:
You is it is possible that committing abundant ness to your team and comporting too impulsive. The impulsive balance you’re with business plan. Example Entrepreneur: Malcolm, Forbes, founder and publisher Forbes Magazine.
8. The Hero
You have remarkable ability and willingness in leading your business and world passing all kinds of challenges. You are core from entrepreneurship and can collect many corporations of larges.
Personality Alert:
Lot of promise and apply strength tactics full of getting something by the way of you will not succeed for a long time. To be succeeded trusted skill of leadership of you to help others find road to their street. Example Entrepreneur: Jack, Welch, CEO GE.
9. The Healer
If you was one‘healer’, You have the character of harmonious custodian and nursemaid in Your business. You have ability stay is remarkable and firmness accompanied with calmness from within.
Personality Alert:
Because your nature of attention and‘healing ' you is in implementing business, you is it is possible that avoiding reality outside there and always too hope. Apply planning scenarios for preparation come problem. Example Entrepreneur: Ben, Cohen, one of founder Ben &Jerry's Ice, Cream. Given the 9 type of personality of in work in a business, you can more directionally in developing business. But which do not less important is knowledge concerning business the ins and outs itself, inclusion how to market it *through internet*.
10. The Messenger
This is the entrepreneur is real bearing 1400 masehi, not merely giving byword in the case of dien (religion) sending man to the AIlah but also give sample to the people how becoming a real entrepreneur. How character ihsan, Islam and believe unite harmoniously in x'self. so that the enemies are even also facade is the. Type this is Type from Prophet Muhammad SAW, in book of 100 Character which most influence. He occupy peak in Number 1 (one).
Hopefully successful
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