Become entrepreneur is choice, become one part of the x'self need patience, assiduity, skilled, confidence, and patience is high. so bee the real entrepreneur.
1. The Improver
You have this personality if you implement business by uppermost of style improver alias wish to always improve. You apply corporation of you is for‘improve world'. Improvers have sturdy ability in implementing business. They also have high ethics and integrity.
Personality Alert:
Take heed your character tending to becoming perfectionist and too critical to employees and customer/client of you. Example of Entrepreneur: Anita, Roddick, founder The Body Shop.
2. The Advisor
Type of personality of business man like this vouchsafes high level suggestion and aid to all the customer/client. Motto from this advisor that is customer/client is and correctness we have to do any kind of pleasing them.
Personality Alert:
A advisor it is possible that too focus in their requirement of business and customer/clients, causing tend to to disregard requirement of themselves and can oppositely; also cape livers x'self. Example Of Entrepreneur: John W. Nordstrom, founder Nordstorm.
3. The Superstar
This is business centering him encircled by high energy and charisma from the CEO Superstar. Business man with personality like this usually build their business with personal brand their own.
Personality Alert:
Business man with type this more be competitive can and workaholics. Example Entrepreneur: Donald, Trump, CEO Trump Hotels & Casino Resorts.
4. The Artist
Personality of business man like this usually like standing apart but have high creativity. They usually frequently found in business requiring creativity like at corporation of publicity agents, web design, etc.
Personality Alert:
Business man type this it is possible that more sensitive to response of customer/client of you, although criticism from them have the character to build. Example Entrepreneur: Scott, Adams, conceptor and founder Dilbert.
5. The Visionary
A business woke up by a visionary usually based on future vision and idea of the founder. You have “want to know” high to understand world in around you and will block in avoid all kinds of barricades.
Personality Alert:
A visionary it is possible that too focus at their dream and less tread on at realities. Dan don't forget, accompany your vision by conducting action reality. Example Of Entrepreneur: Bill, Gates, founder MicroSoft Inc.
6. The Analyst
If You implemented business as a analyst, corporation of You usually focused at solving of internal issue a[n systematic way. Oftentimes base on at science, technical membership or computer, a corporation analyst usually super in solving problem.
Personality Alert:
Neglect less with paralysis of annalist. Work by trusting others. Example of Entrepreneur: Gordon, Moore, founder Intel.
7. The Fireball
A business owned by the ‘fireball' the usually operated fully live, optimism and energy. Customer/Client of feeling corporation of you implemented with behavior which fun.
Personality Alert:
You is it is possible that committing abundant ness to your team and comporting too impulsive. The impulsive balance you’re with business plan. Example Entrepreneur: Malcolm, Forbes, founder and publisher Forbes Magazine.
8. The Hero
You have remarkable ability and willingness in leading your business and world passing all kinds of challenges. You are core from entrepreneurship and can collect many corporations of larges.
Personality Alert:
Lot of promise and apply strength tactics full of getting something by the way of you will not succeed for a long time. To be succeeded trusted skill of leadership of you to help others find road to their street. Example Entrepreneur: Jack, Welch, CEO GE.
9. The Healer
If you was one‘healer’, You have the character of harmonious custodian and nursemaid in Your business. You have ability stay is remarkable and firmness accompanied with calmness from within.
Personality Alert:
Because your nature of attention and‘healing ' you is in implementing business, you is it is possible that avoiding reality outside there and always too hope. Apply planning scenarios for preparation come problem. Example Entrepreneur: Ben, Cohen, one of founder Ben &Jerry's Ice, Cream. Given the 9 type of personality of in work in a business, you can more directionally in developing business. But which do not less important is knowledge concerning business the ins and outs itself, inclusion how to market it *through internet*.
10. The Messenger
This is the entrepreneur is real bearing 1400 masehi, not merely giving byword in the case of dien (religion) sending man to the AIlah but also give sample to the people how becoming a real entrepreneur. How character ihsan, Islam and believe unite harmoniously in x'self. so that the enemies are even also facade is the. Type this is Type from Prophet Muhammad SAW, in book of 100 Character which most influence. He occupy peak in Number 1 (one).
During phone cell supporting the application of internet getting signal, hence don't worry being lost or confuse if ignore the area. Yahoo! OneSearch, what now the market is being managed by Medan people, have thought of seeking facility for phone cell easily.
By typing simple word, for example” Bandung”, at (automatic will step into yard Yahoo! Indonesia) and then knob click OneSearch, will go out estimate of weather in Bandung, photograph panoramas from Flickr, and websites loading information about Bandung.
Yahoo OneSearch then become pledge of seeking of internet apply phone cell. At the opposite of successfulness of Yahoo! Mobile, a lot do not knowing that the success come from one of suborder: Turochas Fuad (30) or called by chummy Mr. T (read by ti, like uttering of T in English).
He is Field people which now becoming Head of Mobile South East Asia Yahoo! Connected, Life, Asian Pacific. The new position he girded from the beginning 2008. This position accompany he come near the native land.
”Now I have its office in Singapore, so more and more close to Indonesia,” he said.
Before all, almost 20 year he lives in United States (US) to walk career. His job is managing Yahoo! Music in AS which also becoming outstanding success Yahoo! in online music segment.
Dreamlike T life story of young children of mad Asia of information technology generally: go to AS, flip up in Silicon, Valley, San Francisco. T life also like that, Silicon Valley have pass by him and now he manage Yahoo! Mobile.
Educated ala Medan Indonesia
T childhood is finished in Medan, North Sumatra. Child of couple of Taufiq Fuad and this Simonetti Tjiaw since childhood got assumed by Iesson was Very useful T in the career.
” To be able to succeed, have to work directional and is serious. My parent am instructor which good to hard work. They is more teach problems me passion and loves, not merely money problem,” he said.
T still remember how he overcome childhood in Field and go to school in SD Budi, Murni, Medan. ” After SD, I am to Singapore at the same time deepen English language,” he said.
He continues high school in SMP and SMA in Anglo Chinese, School, Singapore. Pass SMA T go to Texas AS. He is study “information systems management” in University of Texas. T finally get the title at the age of 19 year.
”In Texas I more deepen computer and business. Actually I am more having business bases than computer sciences. At a period of me, internet booming not yet,” he said recall.
After passing year 2001, together the business friend, Francois Dumas, he found company at the same time become President WUF, Networks, company of software development of convergence solution.
”WUF the focus at business consumer, one of them mobile internet. During three year our developing the company, include; cover various technologies, from telephone cellular till equipments of house,” said T.
”The time when is at the same, Yahoo! is looking for software for developing content in telephone cellular,” the memory.
Yahoo! interest and December 2004 acquisition opening WUF. T surrendered by responsibility as Director Business Development Mobile Music Yahoo! Inc being based on in AS.
Before All T have time to become consultant of information technology in Silicon Valley. He also have ever in Sun Mycrosystem as Manager E-Commerce around five year.
The jelly catch opportunity make he is trusted to manage Yahoo! Mobile West Asia. He responsible in six state, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Philippine, Indonesia, and Vietnam.
Business ”mobile”
Said T, Business mobile very bright and require same job various party. ” If totalized, in world is around 60 million consumer PC and 120 million consumer hand phone, the of business opportunity,” he said.
”In consequence, we are this mobile business trust. OneSearch and Yahoo! Go Yahoo! Answer, as well as Yahoo!Messenger is popular product Yahoo! in this time,” the decurrently.
For OneSearch, Yahoo! confesses have cooperated with telephone operator celullar like Telkomsel, Indosat, XL, and Three. Yahoo! also extends market by following to support.
From Oil Master World, Al-Walid The Owner Of Four Seasons
Minggu, Juni 22, 2008 | succes story with 0 komentar »
Who did profited with increase of oil price? He is Al-Walid bin Talal bin Abdul-Aziz Al-Saud. Arab Saudi entrepreneur becoming permanent member in list of richest 20 people large of magazine version world Forbes.
At 2007, even his properties of rising USD300 million, prince of Al-Walid have to allow the position gone down four rank. At 2006, " Warren Buffet" from this Arab, pinned by epithet is magazine Time, reside in rank ke-8 with properties reach USD20 milliard.
this Chairman The Kingdom Holding Company collect properties through tens of the investment in 10 effort sector. In the name property and hotel business many recognized. This empire of Saudi Arab Founder grandchild is celebrated as one of the network stockholder Hotel Four Season. He also noted as owner of Savoy Hotel (London), Hotel public square (New York), and Songbird Estates Plc (London's Canary Wharf).
Related/relevant of the hotel business, at 2007 he twice make big maneuvers, buy Hotel Four Season Jakarta and Four Seasons Resort in Langkawi Malaysia. In the neighbor country he countersink till 435 million two-and-a-half ringgit Malaysia. For Four Season, Jakarta, he fumble money USD48 million for buying up 81,9 % hotel share in area of Jakarta gold triangle.
Acquisition to hotel which formerly so called this Regent was the debut was in Indonesia, at the same time enlarge the portfolio in seven Asian state. Kingdom Hotel Investment (KHI) now have share in 35 property in 21 state, consist of 22 resort and hotel which have operating, and also 13 resort and hotel being woke up for the agenda of expansion.
How to this Arab boy is ascending to high position in such a way quickly? A lot anticipating barbed that with role of Al-Walid as tip of Create investment lance of prince of Saudi are other which less liking publicity. There is also propagating issue related to action of the prince of in bond of development of secret military basis in Arab Saudi, and also abundance commissions from oils shipping.
Al-Walid born at 7 March 1955. The mother, Mona, El-Solh, is prime girl minister firstly modern Lebanon, Riad El-Sohl. The time when prince borned, Riyadh still is forbidden desert town made foreigner. As son of Prince Of Talal Al-Walid enjoy unknown special comfort by many people Saudi: car and tap water.
Arid country which almost experience the bankruptcy change in a crack. Oil price explosion at 1970-an flow copious properties, and clan of Al-Saud which member 6.000-an prince collectively become richest empire family on earth.
Al-Walid is Al-Saud by a difference. At 1962, the father with four the you oppose. Talal show sympathy at enemy Al-Saud, namely revolutionary figure of Egypt, Gamal Abdel Nasser. Outspokenly they claim barer politesses system. This business of clan shame Create, and Talal is dissipated to Egypt. Talal truely finally enabled by return to the ground water. Since then there is a kind of order do not be written in clan of Al-Saud that Talal and the family may not be active in government.
Pulled Over, Al-Walid exactly has excessive motivation. He stake into aspiration become business man when still step on age flog year. He land in San Francisco at 1976 to start study Business administration. In age of 24 year, Al-Walid reach for title bachelor of science business administration area in Menlo, College, with management specialization. Latter, he(she reach for title MA social science area in Syracuse, University, state of part of New, York, at 1985. Al-Walid obtains; get membership of financial through work, not from book study.
When return to Riyadh by the end of 1979, situation profit to start business. Oil price reach champion, and governmental pump dollar milliard to construction sector, from new ministry physical plant and turnpike newest planes squadrons combat. With external equity USD 30.000 from the father and house mortgage equal to USD300.000 Al-Walid start business. He originally becomes Alien Corporation broker wishing business in Arab Saudi.
At 1982, two year after build company called Kingdom Establishment in Riyadh Al-Walid get the first transaction: build bachelor club in a military academy near by Riyadh for the price of USD 8 million. He represent Korean small contractor of South. From there, business Al-Walid fast emergence and become more sophisticated. Not only merely acting as agent, he increase the advantage by found company x'self, and form joint venture with foreign private sector.
Activity Al-Walid as investor start grow up when he buy share Citicorp (now recognized by the name of Citigroup) which twined difficulty of liquidity at 1991. With unitral investment equal to USD550 million, Prince bail-out Citibank is drawee of bad debt real estate in Latin America and United States. He also countersink giant scale capital in AOL Apple, Inc, Worldcom, Motorola, News Corporation, Ltd, and also in technological area and company of media.
In this time he have 17 % share in Euro Disney, SCA, organization managing Disneyland Resort Paris in Marne-la-Valle, France. At 2007, he have time to talk with Robert, Earl, restaurant network founder Planet, Hollywood, to study ownership of share Everton FC in English league. Earl is owner of 23 % share in club the football. ( Trust//mbs)
More than 70 million people around the world either own or manage young businesses or are "nascent entrepreneurs," according to the sixth annual Global Entrepreneurship Monitor directed by Babson College and the London Business School.
The international study finds that the relationship between entrepreneurship and education varies based on a nation's wealth. In low-income countries, less-educated people tend to start businesses. In high-income countries, those with higher levels of education tend to. The reason, according to the researchers, is that in richer countries, better-educated people become entrepreneurs because they perceive promising business opportunities. In poorer countries, less-educated people start businesses out of necessity, while their more educated countrymen work for wages.
The study also finds that informal investment fuels entrepreneurship worldwide. Fully 99.9 percent of new ventures are launched without formal venture capital or support from wealthy "business angel investors." The entrepreneurs themselves provide 66 percent of the startup capital.
In the United States, 88 percent of the 500 fastest growing private companies got no financing from business angels. A third of the fastgrowers raised startup capital from family and friends.
Copyright New England Board of Higher Education Spring 2005
Provided by ProQuest Information and Learning Company. All rights Reserved
UK entrepreneurs are invited to submit their applications for a slice of a E35m interest-free investment in the 2008 Bank of Scotland Corporate £35 Million Entrepreneur Challenge. Seven winners from regions across the UK will each receive up to £5m, free of interest and arrangement fees for three years.
Last year's competition attracted entries from organisations ranging from telecoms companies to fruit and vegetable wholesalers. One of last year's competition winners - Matt Riley, of Daisy Communications - also gained four days' mentoring from retail entrepreneur Sir Philip Green.
"We were delighted to win and have benefited enormously from the funding package, but the entry process itself also had a huge impact on the business," Riley said. "It meant we had to analyse and clarify our plans to ensure that we had a sound strategy for future development. Entering the challenge was one of the best business decisions I have ever taken."
Each region has a judging panel of successful entrepreneurs, business people and representatives from Bank of Scotland Corporate, the Sunday Times and Deloitte. For further information or to download an entry form, visit The closing date for entries is May 19.
Copyright Chartered Institute of Management Accountants May 2008
Provided by ProQuest Information and Learning Company. All rights Reserved
How young entrepreneurs can survive and thrive in changeable times is the theme of the Dick Onians Memorial lecture to be held at the Royal Society of the encouragement of Arts, Manufactures & Commerce in London on 2 June. The event is supported by Kleinwort Benson's Entrepreneurs Club, which was created in November 2000 principally for business owners with an increasing profit and turnover of more than pounds 1m and an aspiration to work towards a market quote or a successful business exit and is designed to create an environment for entrepreneurs to share ideas.
Speakers include Caroline Plumb, managing director of FreshMinds, which uses graduates to carry out market research and other tasks for businesses; Kevin McKay, director of the Scottish 'indie label' Breastfed Records, and Simone Schetman, co-founder of Teamworks Karting, which holds regular gokarting activities at a variety of sites around Britain.
Copyright 2005 Independent Newspapers UK Limited
Provided by ProQuest Information and Learning Company. All rights Reserved.
What makes entrepreneurs different?
Integrity: Entrepreneurs stick to their principles even
when the going gets tough
Initiative: Entrepreneurs plan long term -- over a year
Commitment: Entrepreneurs have a tremendous capacity
for gruelling hard work
Drive and determination: Entrepreneurs are motivated by beating
standards of excellence
Directness: Entrepreneurs do not tolerate poor
Confidence: Entrepreneurs have an infectious self-belief
Self-direction: Entrepreneurs focus on areas they find
exciting and don't dwell on failures
Selling: Entrepreneurs use their energy, enthusiasm
and vision to persuade and sell to others
Leadership: Entrepreneurs' leadership skills focus on
the ability to spot talent and to inspire
others to buy into their vision
Source: What makes a great entrepreneur? Chris Dyson, director, Hay
Group. Call 020 7881 7065
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